Operation Recognition is a California State program to grant retroactive diplomas to eligible CHS Veterans who were prevented from graduating from their home town high school. Veterans must show proof of Honorable Discharge and active pursuit of CHS curriculum prior to military service.
If you or a CHS alumni family member qualifies, please contact the Claremont Unified School District Board of Education (909) 398-0609.
Richard Bonilla (1974) (left) is the first CHS Veteran to receive his CHS diploma from Operation Recognition, presented by CHS Principal Dr. Brett O'Conner. Richard served in the US Navy. Congratulations, Richard!
Use of this website is always FREE!
With over 1,600 Alumni registered, our website is a great networking tool for CHS Alumni.
MEMBERSHIP has its Privileges!
Well, not a lot, but your $20 donation supports our events and your school, and you get bragging rights and a hug.
To become a Member of the Alumni Society, see Membership for details.
Don F. Freuchte Theatre for the Performing Arts

See CHS Theatre page!
YOUR contributions helped make this happen!

The Alumni Society has donated $3,500 in 2011 and $1,000 in 2012 to support the renovation of the CHS Theater. We co-sponsored EIGHT seats with additional donations by these classes & alumni:
Class of 1945
Classes of ’57 & ‘61
Bob Kelly ‘56
’57 honors Nick Polos
Class of 1960
Class of 1978
Class of 1979
Dana M Lewis, DO '82
Other Alumni-sponsored seats include
Class of 1953
Class of 1956
Class of 1959
1959 in Memory of Frank Comstock
THANKS to you ALL for supporting the CHS Theatre!
Wolfpack Alumni Society featured in CHS 2012 Yearbook!
And see if YOUR El Espiritu is available to view!
Random Internet Discoveries
Nelson Scherer, Class of '58, on June 7, 2008
by Sid Robinson, Class of '77
by David Allen for Daily Bulletin
No Excuses - Send us your news or update your profile!
Gunsmoke's Miss Kitty!
Musician & Singer Ben Harper!
Former Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter!
NFL star Dan McGwire!
Emmy Award Winner Sheldon Altfeld!
Musician Frank Zappa!
Click headline to read about these famous Alumni & more! Check out the amazing accomplishments of some of our alumni: community leaders, sports heroes, film & TV stars, pilanthropists and more.
Go to Yearbooks & Websites
to see complete yearbooks. More to come!
Senior Yearbook Photos
have been added to individual profile pages for many classes, too!
Check out the early years for great historic pix!
Is Grandma or Grandpa a CHS Alumni? You can probably find them here.
This is still a work in progress to get all 100 years of photos scanned. Patience is a virtue!
TIP: Are you getting too many Profile Update emails? Just go to Notify Me in the left column, to check only the classmates you want to get notices about. This should save your Delete button from wearing out!
CHS Commemorative Yearbook Covers Poster

The 2012 CHS Yearbook Team created a poster depicting every CHS yearbook cover from 1913 to 2011 in celebration of the CHS Centennial year. The price is $10 if you pick it up at CHS.
Proceeds benefit the CHS Yearbook Project
Congratulations to us ALL!
2011 Centennial Reunion
Not only did we have a wonderful, fun 2011 ALL-Alumni reunion, we actually made money! On behalf of the CHS Wolfpack Alumni Society, on November 17 we donated $3,500 to the CHS Theatre Renovation Project – which means $7,000 for the project with the matching grant from the State of California!
Thank you for all your help to make the CHS Alumni Society a success! Please spread the word for other alumni to log onto the website for connections, news and Alumni activities!
L to R: Ken Hargrove, Kathee Hennigan Bautista, Megan-Mimi Gage Parnell, Dana Lewis, Pam Mroz, Sharon Esterley, Thomas Thornstrom, June Hilton (CHS Asst. Principal), Judy Hinton Spence, Sid Robinson
Missing: Sandy Grady, Peggy Miller, Susan & Mike Brunasso, Robin Young, Pat Plante, Kathy Laub, Cecile La Gue Alessi, Krista Carson Elhai,
Sharon Rampershad Krumwiede, Hilary Mohr LaConte
YOU CAN JOIN to help plan the FUTURE of the ALUMNI SOCIETY!
Contact Us to volunteer!
so every roster will YOUR If your complete class roster is NOT here PLEASE provide it to me or find someone in your class who will. (There are 100 rosters to upload!) You can get the list from your Graduation Program or yearbook, but CURRENT lists including married names and missing or deceased classmates are pSALUTE TO OUR CHS VETS
If you are a Veteran or active Military, please complete the Veterans' Survey & send a photo of yourself in uniform & any additional information or service photos you’d like to share. If you have any information about other classmates’ military service, we would welcome that as well.
Please send Military photos to Sharon Esterley, esterley@aol.com.
Thanks to these donors for contributing to the CHS Veterans Tribute Plaque dedicated
on Veterans Day 11/11/11:
Charlotte ('61) and Armond Demeo in the name of
Robert Sumpter Smith (Father)
Elizabeth Webster ('61) and Paul B. Haberman
Ken Hargrove ('68)
David L. Leighton ('50)
Ken Sweitzer ('66)
RoseMarie ('57) and Richard ('57) Francisco
Bruce R. ('60) and Shirley J. Douglas
Gary ('70) and Bernadette Buentgen
Lynne Delaney Reich ('68)
Selma Harrison Calmes ('57)
John Carroll ('80)
Kathy Laub ('68)
Bob Ruh ('65)
Cecille Alessi('76)
Richard Cole ('61)
What family has the MOST CHS alumni family members spanning the longest period of time?
Who and where is the OLDEST living CHS alumnus? Please include the full name, grad year, age and location.
We're doing a full-on yearbook search to fill out the permanent collection of yearbooks at CHS. The school has a copy of most since 1912, but still needs these: 1925, 1926, 1932.
If you have a yearbook from any of these years, we'd love to have a scanned copy to add to the website. Please send a clean scan in jpg format including front & back covers and pages numbered sequentially to Sharon Esterley, esterley@aol.com.
If you wish to donate the book to Claremont High School, please send it to Principal Brett O'Connor, 1601 N. Indian Hill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711 to help preserve the history of our Alma Mater!
Graduation Class Photo: Do you have a group photo of YOUR entire class at graduation? Scan & email it to Sharon Esterley, esterley@aol.com, to be posted on the Class Links/Website page (see Class of '59 photo!)
OUR Flag
The CHS Alumni Society arranged for a flag to be flown over the US Capitol on September 2, 2011 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the original CHS school building, and donated it to CHS.
Principal Brett O'Connor will exhibit the new flag
on special occasions at CHS & it made its debut above the field
at the 2011 Homecoming game!!

Words by Ramsay L. Harris

Please PRINT clearly!
Name (including Maiden name): __________________________________Class of_________
City: __________________________________________State: ______ Zip: ________
Phone: ______________________Email: _____________________________________
Membership $20 new___ renewal ___
Additional donations appreciated! Amount: $___________ Date: ____________
Please send check payable to Sharon Esterley, CHS Alumni Society
Mail to 2845 Alta Vista Dr. Newport Beach CA 92660
Questions? Contact Us!
THANK YOU for your support of the CHS Wolfpack Alumni Society!
Website Subscription ALERT!
asking you to join with a "limited time" Lifetime Membership for $20,
please note that this is NOT from us!
Beware of imposters!
Alumni Archive, Alumni Junction and Alumni Class are out to get your money. They are NOT affiliated with Claremont High School or our CHS Alumni Society. You can Google Alumni Archive Complaints and Alumni Class Complaints to read more.
DO NOT PAY unless you want to join that site, which is NOT affiliated or sanctioned by Claremont High School! If you did send them money, you can request a refund or reverse the charges with your credit card company.
DO NOT GIVE email addresses of your friends or classmates to others. They use them to solicit money. Our website NEVER releases personal information to third parties.
The CHS Alumni Society website belongs to YOU, CHS Alumni. It will always be FREE to use & has no ads or pop-ups. Those alumni who wish to support our organization by making a $20 donation may become Members (see Membership).
Do not send money to any other organization purporting to be an official CHS Alumni group unless you know who they are. For links to existing CHS Class websites, click Class Links/Websites. Feel free to Contact Us with questions!
All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed.Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page.
This website is managed by volunteer alumni of Claremont High School, Claremont CA, to promote the Wolfpack Alumni Society and provide information about CHS Alumni activities. There is absolutely no charge for CHS alumni to use this site or be a member of the Wolfpack Alumni Society.
This is a private site for Claremont High School Alumni. Classmates that did not graduate with their class are also welcome. All membership, regardless of graduating year, will be granted or denied, at the discretion of the site administrator. All memberships may be revoked at the discretion of the site administrator. The privacy and security of all registered members will be considered a priority for the purpose of invitations, admittance, denials and revocations.
NOTE! This multi-year site is not intended to replace any individual class site. This site gives alumni whose class doesn't have its own site a place to connect with others of their class. In addition, this multi-year site gives ALL alumni the opportunity to connect with friends from other classes and even check out family members who were students at CHS through the years.
Email from this web site
For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add noreply@classcreator.net (that's.net, not.com) to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from this web site. We do not want to receive "bounce back" emails and don't want you to miss receiving emails from other classmates.
Class Creator, the system that helps us operate our class web site, uses the address noreply@classcreator.net when sending out email messages. Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email.
NOTE: You cannot send email to noreply@classcreator.net. To reply to a message from this address, go to the BOTTOM of the message for instructions to reply to the sender.
The website is intended for reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. All of us welcome and encourage your use of this site to share memories and stories as well as providing updates on your lives since leaving Claremont High School.
Please use good judgment when posting messages and photos. Personal attacks, inappropriate pictures, postings or videos, as well as offensive language will be removed immediately by the website administrators at our discretion.