

 MEMBERSHIP has its privileges...

Use of this website is FREE! Membership is voluntary for a donation of $20 per year (July 1-June 30), which gives you listing on the website Membership page, bragging rights and our appreciation! Your Membership supports the website to keep it FREE for all CHS alumni and faculty to use.
Anyone who has attended Claremont High School in Claremont, California, is eligible to be considered an alum, even if they didn't graduate here. Once a Wolf, always a Wolf!  
Funds are used for Alumni Society expenses for items such as website and URL subscriptions and any Claremont events we participate in during the year.
In 2011, we donated $3,500 to the CHS Theatre Renovation Project, $1,500 in 2014, purchased a bronze CHS Centennial plaque and a CHS Veterans Tribute plaque for the school!
The CHS Wolfpack Alumni Society is managed completely by volunteers.
Any proceeds remaining after expenses at the end of the year are donated for other needs identified by Claremont High School administration. 
Please PRINT clearly!
Name (including Maiden name): __________________________________Class of_________
City: __________________________________________State: ______ Zip: ________
Phone: ______________________Email: _____________________________________
Membership $20 per year, donations appreciated! Amount: $___________ Date: ____________
new___ renewal ___
Please send check payable to Sharon Esterley, CHS Alumni Society
Mail to 2845 Alta Vista Dr. Newport Beach CA 92660
Questions? Contact Sharon Esterley ,  
Thank you for your support of the CHS Alumni Society!
Members 2024-2025
Members 2023-2024
Members 2022-2023
Members 2021-2022
Members 2020-2021

Lynda Shaffer (Ruh) (1964) & Bob Ruh (1965)

Members 2019-20
Augusta "Gussie" Goldstein (1964)
($20 or more)
Lee Fitzhugh Lange II (1966) - 3 years 2016-2019
Members FY 2017-18
Members FY 2016-17
Lee Fitzhugh Lange II (1966) - 3 years 2016-2019
Members FY 2015-16
Members FY 2014-15
Members FY 2013-14
June Hilton, Ph. D. (Assistant Principal)
Members FY 2012-13

 Alumna # 1,000 on the website: Jane Loberg (Isaacson) (1961)

Margaret (Margie) Allen (1963)

Christine Amato (Shaner) (1970)

Laurie Argo (Stone) (1971)

Barbara Jean "Bobbie" Bates  (1966)

Mildred (Milly) Blanchard (Blakeley)(1954)

Margaret Anne Blanchard (Nelson) (1962)


William James Brownlie (2004)

Janice Brownstein (Long)

Pamela Burns (Kilbourne) (1958)

Malinda Buzard (1970)

Cathy Cordova (1965)

Sharon Esterley (1961)

Pamelyn Felberg (Spriggs) (1967)

Lauren Margaret Fowler (O'Malley) (1975)

Sarah Fowler (Boswell) (1972)

Richard Francisco (1957)

James Fuller (1961)

Megan-Mimi Gage (Parnell) (1967)

Karen Leigh Galbreath (1977)

James (Jamie) Gray (1963)

Judy Greer (Wilcox) (1965)

Ken Hargrove (1968)

Claudia Herzog (Sproles) (1965)

Judy Hinton (Spence) (1963)

Phillip Hofmann (1967)

Gary Hall Jackson (1974)

Mary James (Noonan) (1950)

Rochelle Kahalnick (1972)

Edith Head (Keller) (1963)

Terri Ann Laird (Duval) (1973)

Lee Lange (1966)

Kathleen Laub (1968)

Dana M. Lewis (1982)

Robert Liles (1971)

Charles McCants (1989)

Peggy Miller (1971)

Hilary Day Mohr (LaConte) (1979)

Michael W Moticha (1962)

Pam Mroz (1967)

Anthony "Tony" Norris (1969)

Jenny Ogle (Teresi) (1975)

Julie O'Leary (1983)

Dave Peairs (1961)

Ervie Pena (1952)

Jill Persons (Jack) (1968)

Kristin Plessman (Hofmann) (1970)

Daniel Leigh Polster (1973)

Judy Robbie (Gomez) (1958)

Paul Robbie (1949)

Sid Robinson (1977)

Lynette Ross (1967)

Robert (Bob) Ruh (1965)

Daniel Schafer (1963)

Linda Seifert (1967)

Lynda Shaffer (Ruh) (1964)

Patrick Shaner (1967)

Michael C. "Mickey" Stern (1958)

Marjie Stout (Ludwig) (1967)

Rosemarie (Rosie) Streich (Francisco) (1957)

Becky Tubbs (1973)

Lawrence "Larry" Webster (1964)

Paul Wheeler (1971)

Dianna Woy (Nichols) (1963)

Peter Yao (1963)


Guest Members

June Hilton, Ph. D. (Assistant Principal)

Brett O'Connor (Principal)

CHARTER Members FY 2011-12

Margaret Allen (Gray) ‘63

Alisa Allen (Currier) ‘74

Jessica Anne (Wodinsky) ‘78

Laurie Argo (Stone) ‘71

Tom Ballogg  ‘57

Robert Beard  ‘58

Barbara Bell (Petersen) ‘54

Robert "Bennie" Benson  ‘59

Cheryl Block (Noll) ‘81

Deborah Sue Boldig (Woods) ‘66

Carolyn Bone  ‘57

Jeanette Bosson  ‘53

Barbara Brown (Jackson) ‘46

Charles Brydon  ‘54

Michele "Mickey" Butcher (Baker) ‘66

Catherine Caporale  ‘86

John Mark Carney  ‘71

Sally Chittenden (Abraham) ‘64

Frank Comstock  ‘59

Cathy Cordova  ‘65

John Corey  ‘65

James D. Gray  ‘63

Pam Dahl  ‘71

Cheryl Dunn (Smith) ‘77

Sharon Esterley  ‘61

Glorie Estes (Beyenhof) ‘69

Susan Files  ‘63

Barry R. Fischer  ‘82

Joni Foulks (Baum) ‘76

Sarah Fowler (Boswell) ‘72

Lauren Fowler (O'Malley) ‘75

Megan-Mimi Gage (Parnell) ‘67

Pam Garr (Herrlinger) ‘57

Sandy Grady  ‘61

Valerie Green (Ogden) ‘67

Catherine Greenbeck  ‘66

Buz Hamblin  ‘66

Geoff Hamill  ‘86

Ken Hargrove  ‘68

Julia Hearst (Stradling) ‘57

Kathee Hennigan (Bautista) ‘72

Judy Hinton (Spence) ‘63

Terry Hodges  ‘61

Stuart A.  Holmes  ‘58

Frank Hungerford  ‘60

Gary Jenkins  ‘74

Patrick Jones  ‘75

Liz Keiser (Warhurst) ‘65


Sheila Kryger  ‘63

Cecile La Gue (Alessi) ’76 & ‘77

Vicki LaMear (Schilling) ’64

Binnie Larson  ‘52

Kathleen Laub  ‘68

Synthia Laura (Molina) ‘80

Elizabeth Ledbetter (Stiles) ‘53

Dana M. Lewis  ‘82

Charles McCants  ‘89

Mabel McMullen (Guertin) ‘65

Thomas Metier  ‘64

Diane Mindrum  ‘66

Michael W. Moticha  ‘62

Allison Mowell (Karahadian) ‘78

Patrick Mroz  ‘69

Pam Mroz  ‘67

Bob Mueller  ‘64

Erroll Murphy  ‘53

Tony Norris  ‘69

Debbie Norris (Lowry) ‘70

Florence Peairs (Adams) ‘63

Suzan Peterson (Scott) ‘69

Carol Polster (Christiansen) ‘63

Margaret Purdy  ‘71

Sharon Rampershad (Krumwiede) ‘78

Wayde Reed  ‘77

Rebecca "Becky" Rhoades (Johnson) ‘64

Laura Richardson  ‘75

Griffith Roberts  ‘65

Robert R. Ruh  ‘65

Daniel Schafer  ‘63

Alan Scriven  ‘58

David Seccombe  ‘71

Melinda Self (Harris) ‘70

Raymond Sevilla  ‘60

Lynda L. Shaffer (Ruh) ’64

Eunice Shaffer (Ulloa) ‘65

Heidi Streich (Balch) ‘56

Thomas Thornstrom  2003

Don Warhurst  ‘65

Gerald “Jerry” Webster  ‘64

Dianna Woy (Nichols) ‘65

Judith Yingst (Redner) ‘82


Guest Members

June Hilton, CHS Asst. Principal

Brett O'Connor ,CHS Principal