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Alumni In Texas: 97
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Rob Allen (1971)
Margarita "Margie" … (1973)
Carlos Hernando Atara (2000)
Diana Paola Atara (2002)
Chris Atcheson (Hischar) (1970)
Holly Atkins (Albiso) (2010)
Amber Attebery (1999)
Brooke Barron (2012)
Kylie Bivens (Hopper) (1996)
Michael Bradford (1984)
Garry Brown (2006)
Martha Ann Brown (Pope) (1974)
Sharyn Brown (Baer) (1965)
Patty Buentgen (Bond) (1977)
Kathy Campbell (1968)
Roberta (Bobbie) Carter (1970)
Jacquelyn Coiner (Hid…) (1981)
Margaret (Peggy) Co… (1976)
Allison Crandall (Meyer) (2005)
Craig Frank Culotta (1975)
Carolyn Curtis (Bruner) (1961)
Elissa Dahdal (Binion) (1994)
Brenda Joy Daugherty (Nolan) (1966)
Anyah Douglas (2011)
Mickey Dumas (1981)
Donald Ellison (1960)
Janet Fenstermaker (Shotwell) (1982)
Grant Finley (1997)
Lori Fortner (Fortner) (1976)
Julie Anne Frederick (1968)
June Louise Gale (Bartle) (1963)
Amber M. Goggia (2000)
Delbert Gonzales (1952)
Robbie Gordon (1988)
Rob Bradley Greene (1991)
Benedict Ignatius "… (1963)
Chris Hill (1991)
Gable Innes (1998)
Heidi Louise Jackson-Sa… (1996)
April Doreen Jaeger (Floyd) (1968)
Becky (Rebecca) Kashdan (1971)
Daniel R. Kelley (1999)
Karl Mark Kohler (1974)
Elise Shirli Lenchus (1975)
Joseph Livesey (2002)
Wayland Loomis (1965)
Theresa Rose "Terri" Lu… (1971)
Ruben Madrigal (M…) (2012)
Avi Danielle Makow (B…) (1988)
Kathy Maloney (Wilson) (1958)
Sarah Marriott (-Madrigal) (2013)
Sue McCandless (1957)
Sandra Kay McDonald (Henley) (1972)
Tracy Meyer (1992)
Michael Wayne Moore (1962)
William S. Moore (1970)
Sandy Nelson (O'Brien) (1982)
Wiley Loranze Osborne Jr. (1985)
Kimberley Jean Paden (Harris) (1977)
Tomas Earl Palmer (1968)
Carlos Palmero (1979)
Donald G. Pearson (1964)
Janet R. Pearson (1961)
Wendy Marie Poling (Kellam) (1971)
Bryan T. Potter (2016)
Jessica Yvonne Potter (Ro…) (2017)
Barry Pulliam (1961)
Emma Randles (Doany) (2009)
Mary Rankin (Sturdevant) (1961)
Karen Lee Richter (Mock) (1968)
William Rogers (1964)
Lynette Ross (1967)
Virginia "Gini" Sait (Seely) (1964)
Catherine Ann Sanford (1974)
Dave Scott (1963)
Jared Scott (1961)
Marilyn "Mair" Scott (1975)
Chuck Seeger (1977)
Robert "Bob" Sevilla (1964)
Jeffery Alan Shannon (1974)
Nargii Shirey (1970)
Jonathon Smith (2011)
Roger Smith (1964)
Oscar Srader (Pearson) (1965)
Michael K. Stalwick (2006)
Fred L. Steves (1927)
Katrina Marie Sullivan (1974)
Harry Sundberg (1970)
Tamera Torrez (1981)
John Tune (1968)
Michael Andrew Verbarg (1987)
William Barclay Wait, Jr. (1960)
Elizabeth Ann "Beth… (1969)
Pamela Weidner (Thorn) (1978)
Madison Weigand (2013)
Vanessa Wilmore (2012)
Pam Zagorski (Audish) (1980)