Claremont High School Alumni Society

Oscar Srader (Pearson)
Oscar's Latest Interactions
Another beauty inside and out from our class! Class of 1965 was blessed by many who benefited society with their different gifts. I always renembered her birthday was the day before mine! Missy - you will beissed! Oscar
Just heard about Aubrey Simmons passing. I met Aubrey when I moved to CA from MN at the start of third grade. We didn't hang out a lot but once in a while he would come over to our house on Piedmont and we would play baseball in the street. I remember once in elementary school at Vista del Valle I asked him to chase down a girl for me at recess time so I could kiss her. He was a lot faster then me, not sure if I kissed her or not when he did catch her. Kind of lost touch when we move on to Junior High and High School. We sort of moved on to different groups of people but still have fond memories of those days.
Football was his best sport for me to watch. I loved it when the other team would kick off and then just stand their around the ball. He would jump in at the last minute, pick up the ball and take off. It was special for the fans as well as his teammates. He had that gift to spark things up.
Aubrey will be missed by all of us who knew him. Prayers for Susan and the family at this time. Life is short, live each day, and make someone's day special every chance you get.
God Bless.
Loved their grinders and Roger was an all around good guy. Too young to have left us and is greatly missed!
Strength of character - says it all! Rick will be missed -R.I.P.
Sweet "Suz" may she rest in peace!
Yearbook has her listed as Terri Cushman. She was the year after us 1966. What little I remember is that she was a sweet girl. R.I.P.
Sandy was a blessing to all of her classmates. She was always kind to me and it was great seeing her at the reunion. I had no idea she was ill. Prayers for her family.
R.I.P. Thank you for your service and fond memories!
Thank you for the update. He will be missed by his classmates. I remember Mike as being quiet and unassuming. Prould to have been a classmate. R.I.P.
High school yearbook "So of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more of it remains" Carolyn was one of the very special ones at CHS!