Mar 12, 1947 - Aug 29, 2015
SSgt. Kenneth Alan Preece, 68, passed away Aug. 29, 2015. He was born on March 12, 1947. He was in the U.S. Air Force until 1973. Ken is survived by his wife Mary, daughters Sharlyn and Deanna, sons Steven and Robert, daughter-in-law Kim and grandaughter Mckenna.

Riverside National Cemetery - Riverside, CA
Oscar Srader (Pearson) (1965)
R.I.P. Thank you for your service and fond memories!Sharyn Brown (Baer) (1965)
Kenny and I were close friends through Jr High and High school...we rode to school together in his salmon and white Ford Fairlane sometimes accompanied by Dave Thompson!He used to service my parent's pool when he worked for his father. The last time I saw him was in 2003 when he came over to my mother's house to visit. I had just moved to Calif to help my sister care for our mother...we had a good chat, but I couldn't talk him into going to the 40th Reunion and I was scared to go alone. He was a good friend and I am very sad to hear of his death. Sharyn
Cathy Cordova (1965)
So sorry to hear about Kenny, he was a really nice and fun guy. He seemed to have a smile on his face every time we passed each other in School. He planned to go to the 50th Reunion when I contacted him about a year ago, we really missed him being with us. My sincere condolences to his family and friends, may he rest in peace. We also thank him for his Service to our Country. One of our brave men from Claremont High School.
~Cathy Cordova
Anders Hedberg (1965)
Sorry to hear, We grew up across the street from each other. Never saw him again after school ended but it sounds like he stayed the the same likable guy all along!