Carolyn's daughter, Shala Kerrigan, recently sent this to us:
Carolyn Bradley passed away in September 1998. She moved to Alaska after being a VISTA volunteer and falling in love with the state. She loved helping out other people and lived a life of service and activism. Her life partner, Thomas and she had the kind of love affair that people still refer to as legendary and inspiring. They raised 3 children, me and my brother Adam, then my son, William. She loved her grandson more than anything in the world. She died as she lived, helping others, and thinking of her family. She is missed, she is loved.
Cathy Cordova (1965)
To Carolyn's family, we have looked for Carolyn for a long while, not knowing you had lost her in 1998. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Thank you for telling us about your Mothers life, it sounds like she had a wonderful giving life. You must be very proud of her and miss her very much. Your loss touches us that knew her also. Thank you for sharing your memories and picture of her with us. She is remembered fondly from our High School days. Will think of her at our 50th Reunion in October. Best Wishes to all of her friends and family. Cathy Cordova
Cynthia Johns (Christiana) (1965)
Aww, I am so sorry to hear about Carolyn.I remember her,she was a sweet wonderful girl. She was very kind & giving to everyone. Not a surprise she spent her life doing what she loved. Thank you Shala for sharing your mother's tribute with us.God Bless your family always,Cindie Johns Christiana
Oscar Srader (Pearson) (1965)
High school yearbook "So of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more of it remains"Carolyn was one of the very special ones at CHS!
Cynthia Uli (Green) (1965)
Carolyn was a friend from our early days at Vista Del Valle Elementary school. She lived a few short blocks away and we spent time together. That was when you could walk to school unescorted. We were in Girl Scouts together. Also, I remember a neighbor of hers who did ceramics at her home studio that we attended together. Lots of fun and freedom as young kids. So sorry hear she is gone.