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Alumni In Idaho: 43
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Gerald Anooshian (1965)
Deborah Kay Bayer (Kuhn) (1970)
Boyd Emerson Bentley (1962)
Charles Bentley (1961)
Cathy Jo Borland (Call) (1970)
Gary Buentgen (1970)
Valarie Elizabeth Butcher (1963)
Mark Douglas Caldwell (1968)
Jenni Church (Stirling) (1990)
Marilyn Clark (Eagleton) (1982)
James Wendell Corey (1974)
Don Davis (1962)
Carol Deregibus (Green) (1964)
Michael Elkin (1977)
Mark Hoyne Ervin (1969)
Roberta "Jean" Faubus (Sn…) (1960)
Toni Fink (Goodrich) (1961)
Tara Glee Garnett (Lockie) (1973)
John Gill (1968)
Thomas "Tom" Green (1964)
Kelly Jean Hart (1997)
John Haupt (1971)
Linda Inez James (Ano…) (1966)
Nell Johnson (Dalton) (1981)
Linda Laird (Parsons) (1975)
Steven Lawrence (1993)
Allen Frazier Loucks (1975)
Michael Bruce Macklin (1960)
Nancy Nitti (Young) (1970)
Charles Perkins (1965)
Susan Beth "Sue" Porter (1971)
Reed Robertson (2002)
Jennifer Rodelli (2001)
Terry Beth Romeo (Butcher) (1976)
Teresa Santia (Pope) (1989)
Austin Schartau (2015)
Christine Sealund (Dike) (1981)
Sandra Marie Slaughter (Kramer) (1960)
Laura-Lee Ann Solis (Berrett) (1991)
Mary "Mardi" Margaret Wasden (1951)
David White (1961)
James Herbert Witham (1968)
Rolland Withrow (1969)