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Alumni In Virginia: 39
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Wael Alakwaa (2018)
Gates Angle (1952)
Joni Baum (Foulks) (1976)
Cary Bennett (1966)
Brien G Benson (1960)
Christopher Alan Candy (1993)
Frank DeMary (1981)
James Duffy (1965)
Sean A. Eddy (2001)
Janet Marie Finley (1974)
Rawl Gelinas (1971)
Ronna Gray (1963)
Linda Havens (Rakosi) (1981)
Kathy Heinbuch (Covall) (1968)
Jennifer Lucille Hill (1988)
Paige Chrstine Hinds (And…) (1985)
William Lee Jackson (2007)
Philip Jaffa (1970)
Christine Jarvis (Bishop) (1981)
Doug Kay (1967)
Joshua Sungmin Lee (2002)
Edward A. Loeb (1960)
Julie Ruth Lopez (Milazzo) (1973)
Marilyn Mantle (1964)
David L. Marks (1969)
Donald McClelland (1960)
Michael A. Ochoa (2000)
Tracey Ann O'Neill (Springman) (1975)
Sienna Jeannette Rangel… (2016)
Jane Shelton (Livingston) (1961)
Alexia Smith (1961)
Rhey Solomon (1964)
Gina Steenhuizen (Nelson) (1980)
Norman Rand Taylor (1973)
Jason Richard LaDon Wal… (2003)
Harriett Andreas Widmar (1944)
Tierra Wilson (2012)
Alfred Yun (2011)
Kurt Daniel Zivelonghi (1979)