Claremont High School Alumni Society
Caroldean Ross
Caroldean's Latest Interactions
My wonderful Brother Willy....was the light of my champion, my hero....
He always made me laugh, and was always someone I could look up to, and count on. His friends were his lifeline...and he was fiercely loyal.
He loved to draw, and there was always someithing "in the works" in his bedroom...& even though it was "off limits" to "the baby Sister"...I would always sneak in, to be amazed and in "awe" of his incredible natural talent...
His 11 month battle with Leukemia was hard faught, and admittedly, the worst time of our lives, to watch the vibrance leaked from his illuminating soul....he went through 5 rounds of Chemotherapy, that took the last breath from him in September of 1990.
There's not a day that passes, that a thought of his infectious smile, and cheshire cat grin doesn't bring both a tear, and a giggle to my heart.
My Son, Willem Declan Ross, is his legacy....named for him, and carrying so many of his traits....I have to believe that Willy sent him, to keep my heart from breaking apart from the empty space he left.
meaning of the name:
Willem-(resolute protector).....couldn't be more true...
forever in our hearts sweet protector. xo